Want to Learn About Marketing?
Creating a Content Strategy
Content is the glue that holds everything together in your digital marketing strategy. Your business will find it difficult to compete in the online world without it. Content is at the centre of everything you do in marketing. Slightly controversial perhaps but it's...
Content Marketing for Beginners
Content drives many of the decisions that customers take online. It makes people aware of who you are, educates them on what you do and provides enough information for them to make an informed buying decision. Taking this a step further, there are some important...
How To Create A Customer Profile For Social Media
Social media marketing begins with two things. Identifying your audience and understanding what they want. A customer profile will help you in this process. Most social media audiences are naturally sceptical, particularly if they discover a new brand that’s...
How To Start Online Marketing in 2024
The digital world has transformed the way people do business. Consumers now have more information at their fingertips than ever before. Not that long ago, the words SEO, PPC, and social media were unheard of. Now they form an essential part of a digital marketer’s...
Social Media Strategy – The Ultimate Guide
If you use social media as part of your digital marketing, creating a social media strategy will help you understand why you are using social platforms and most importantly how you intend to use them. A clearly defined strategy will bring more focus to your goals and...
What is Copywriting? The Complete Guide
As we consume more and more digital content, copywriting has never been more important. Much of the material that you interact with online is a form of copy. The ads on YouTube, the posts on Facebook, the web pages from your favourite brands. It’s all copy. If you...